Sunday 16 October 2011

New Products Now on Zazzle

I have put up items for these two pieces of Art Work that I have done this week. They are both Pencil Drawing, Pet Portraits. They are both drawn by hand digitally. Available as a Poster, Mug, Tee Shirt and Cards at the moment. I will be adding a lot more products soon. Please comment and let me know what you think of my work, either pet portraits or my floral art. Your comments, and any ideas will be appreciated. Please follow me on my blog and share with your friends.
Labrador Retriever Pencil Drawing 

Tabby Kitten Pencil Drawing


  1. Sarah, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. Your pencil drawings are wonderful~~the little kitty's face is adorable. One hears about your rainy weather and I can only think of how frustrating this could be when trying to photograph flowers. However, your animal portraits are very enchanting. I use PS CS5, Corel Painter and various plug-ins and independent painting programs for my artwork. What do you use? I've added my name to your followers. Good luck to you!

  2. Just gorgeous - both show real character! Nancy


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Please let me know what you think, your comments are welcome and appreciated.